
幼儿歌曲即兴伴奏 图文

上传者:随心@流浪 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:22 |  大小:1370KB

le-advective plumes with reversing buoyancy 238Р 11.7 Gravity currents with thermal positional buoyancy 243Р 11.8 Scale precipitation and its impact on buoyancy-driven flow 246Р 11.9 Aquifer thermal energy storage 249Р 11.10 One-dimensional injection and production of hot water 251Р 11.11 Heat loss to lenses of low permeability 252Р 11.12 Heat loss to the surrounding formation 255Р 11.13 Mixing of the injected and formation fluids on extraction 257Р 11.14 Exercises 260Рpressibility and gas flows 262Р 12.1 Idealised one-dimensional gas production 264Рviii ContentsР 12.2 Well selection 268Р 12.3 Radial flow and fracking 270Р 12.4 Multiple-layer formations 273Р 12.5 Shale gas 275Р 12.6 Exercises 278Р13 Epilogue 279Р References 281Р Index 285Р Colour plate section found in between pages 150 to 151


