环境不合理?读写姿势不正确?眼部疾病?全身状况Р心理因素Р物理因素Р视疲劳产生原因Р[1] De Jongh A, Ernst R,et al.The impact of eye movements and tones on disturbing memories involving PTSD andother mental disorders.J Behav Ther? Exp Psychiatry. 2013 Dec;44(4):477-83.?[2] Takasaki H, Treleaven J,et al.Contributions of physical and cognitive impairments to self-reported driving difficulty in chronic whiplash-associated disorders.Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2013 Aug 15;38(18):1554-60.?[3]Nakamura Y. Measurement of pupillary unrest in eyestrain. Jpn JOphthalmol ,1996 , 40 :533-539.РDe Jongh [1]等发现,在创伤性情感障碍患者中,? 眼球运动可作为评价临床症状的重要工具。?? Takasaki H [2]等发现,在紧张、焦虑、抑郁等? 精神压力状态下,头眼及手眼协调能力显著受限。?? Nakamura [3] 发现:长期处于紧张状态志愿者的? 瞳孔直径明显小于普通志愿者瞳孔直径。提示? 明显的瞳孔紧张——虹膜或睫状肌存在着异常? 副交感神经兴奋。Р神经精神因素Р视觉环境不合理?读写姿势不正确Р眼部疾病Р视疲劳Р高度近视的并发症Р初发期Р膨胀期Р成熟期Р过熟期Р老年性白内障Р老年性黄斑病变