
PCR的原理和方法(全英文) PPT课件

上传者:梦&殇 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:12 |  大小:243KB

catalytic primers outspread according to the 5 'to 3' direction, synthesis DNA chain plementary with template DNA chain.Р The above three steps for a cycle, the product of each loop can be used as a template for the next cycle .After n cycles, the purpose of DNA plus in the form of 2n.РPCR Frequently Asked QuestionsРA. No amplification products?1. The cycle temperature:? denaturation temperature and annealing temperature?2. The primer design?3. The activity of DNA polymerase?4. The inhibitory ingredients (protease and nuclease)?5, DNA samplesРB. The specific product and electrophoresis coating shaped?1. The concentration of Mg 2+?2. Adjust the dosage of the primer, templates, and polymerase?3. Decrease the cycle number?4. Increasing the annealing temperature, annealing or extension of time


