elements for us human beings to survive on the earth??2 Which one would you prefer? Western food or Chinese food??3 What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/supper??4 Look at the pictures and tell me the names of the pictures.РcrabРshrimpРmuttonРroast duckРnutrientsРmineralsРfatРproteinРvitaminР……РsugarРcarbohydratesРfibreРWhat do the foods have mon ?Рbeans?bread?butter?cheese?cucumber?eggs?lemonsРmeat?milk?mushrooms?noodles?nuts?oranges?peasРpotatoes?rice?spaghetti?sugar?tofu?cabbage?peachesРWhich foodsРgive us energy?Рhelp us grow bones and muscle?Рgive us fibre for digestion and health?РCome and eat here (1)РPeriod 2 ReadingРGuessingР1 Where can it happen?restaurant?2 Who will be there?customers ?3 What is the business sense of the boss?? serve good-eating food or slim-keeping food?