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an important meeting this afternoon. 今天下午我不得不参加一个重要的会议。 Mother is out, soI have to look after the shop. 妈妈不在家,因此我不得不照看商店。 2) have to 的否定形式是 don ’t have to, 相当于 needn ’t 。如: They don ’t have to buy puter at present. 他们目前没有必要买电脑。背景知识 I. Healthy Eating for Lifetime Variety, Balance and Moderation A healthy diet includes all foods. Variety is important because noone food can provide all the nutrients the body needs for health. Try new foods to tantalize your taste and vary your nutrient intake. We can make many possible choices within each food group. Choices may be made to accentuate specific needs like fiber. For example, in the protein-rich ‘ meat ’ group, beans are a low fat, high fiber pared to ground beef. In the fruit group, whole fruit is usually a higher fiber choice than fruit juice.


