
高中英语必修5unit2 reading课件 PPT课件

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人教课标? 高二必修 5 ?Unit 2РUnit 2 The United KingdomРA brief introduction to the UKРThe United Kingdom is a great country. It has a long history. It consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.РGreat Britain is made up of three countries, that is, England, Scotland and Wales. So the United Kingdom is posed of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.РLondon is its capital. The 2012 Olympic Games was held in the city.РThis is the famous Heathrow Airport. If you want to visit the country, you can go to London by air.РThis was the Prime Minister of the UK.РAnd this was the Queen. The queen is the head of state, but it’s in name only. The most powerful one is the Prime Minister, who controls everything in the UK.


