
英语上册Unit12 Festivals

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nguage PointsР5. lunar calendar: 农历?6. just like: 就像?He looks just like his father.?他看上去像他的父亲。?7. get together: 团聚?We got together to celebrate his birthday last Sunday.?上周日我们聚会为他庆祝生日。?8. no matter: 无论?No matter what she says, keep calm please.?无论她说什么,请保持镇静。РLanguage PointsР9. far away from: 远离?Tell the boy to keep far away from fire.?告诉男孩要远离火。?10.try to:努力;尽量?He tried to earn money to support family.?他努力挣钱养家。?11. prepare: 准备 prepare for: 为…做准备?My mother prepared some money for me.?妈妈为我准备了一些钱。?12. mean to; 想做? What do you mean to do on earth?? 你究竟想干什么?РLanguage PointsР13. sweep out: 清扫;扫出去?She swept out the dirt.?她把土扫出去。?14. in the ing year: 在去/来年?15. many kinds of: 各种各样的?I met all kinds of people there.?在那里,我遇到了各种各样的人。?16. hang up:悬挂?17. be full of: 充满? The room is full of smoke.? 屋子里都是烟。


