us qualities. Finally he became a socialist, a revolutionist. ? When the author as a brain seller was essful enough to enter the upper-class, his disillusionment proceeded rapidly. So he went back to the working class trying to topple over the capitalist society with all its rotten life and unburied dead. He strongly believed in the working class and believed that “ the stairway of time is ever echoing with the wooden shoe going up, the polished boot descending. ”? Summary: ?主人公出生于一个工薪阶层。小时候虽然过着艰苦的生活,尽管生活只是给他肮脏和不幸,使他的精神和肉体忍受着折磨,但是,他仍拥有着热情, 野心和理想。面对着如此的困境,他下定决心往上爬。小时候,作者尝试到一个农场当雇工, 在大街上当报童,逐渐发现他成为一个资本家,开始拥有了第一个雇工, 到后来破产了,倒回原地,也不再走从商这条路。?从此之后他被资本家无情地剥削,开始以他的肌肉为生,当上码头工人,罐头工人,清洁地毯窗户的等等,老板儿子的学费,他的享受都是由作者的肌肉辛劳换来的。但是作者没因此生气,直到他发现他的卖力,使两个人失业,看到社会如此多吃人的现实,失去生活空间的状况强迫作者去忽略它,可是作者看到的只是一个糟糕的恐惧。