als,?An interpreter, on the other hand, has to be able to translate in both directions, without the use of any dictionaries on the spot.РTypes of interpretingРBy forms:?交替口译( alternating interpretation )?接续口译( consecutive interpretation )?同声传译( simultaneous interpretation )?耳语口译( whispering interpretation )?视阅口译( sight interpretation )РBy ways:?单向口译( one-way interpretation )?双向口译( two-way interpretation )РBy contents:?导游口译( guide interpretation )?礼仪口译(ceremony interpretation )?宣传口译( information interpretation )?会议口译( conference interpretation )?谈判口译( negotiation interpretation )РPublic SpeakingРConfidence?Eye contact?Being heard?Conveying the speaker’s humor?Formal presentation?Following the speaker closely?Conveying specialist information?Clear diction?Expressiveness?Intonation and stress