脑结构与认知功能脑结构与认知功能神经元?神经元组成:神经细胞体、树突和轴突?神经元学说:神经元是神经系统发生、形态、营养和功能的基本单位Neurons -SomaChapter 2. The nervous systemChapter 2. The nervous systemPrinciple of Neural SciencePrinciple of Neural Science轴丘滑面内质网高尔基器多核糖蛋白质线粒体细胞膜粗面内质网核糖体微管细胞核神经元的分类Neurons can be classified according to the total number ofneurites (axons and dendrites) that extend from the soma. A neuron that has a single neurite is said to beunipolar. If there are two neurites, the cell is bipolar, and if there are three or more, the cell ismultipolar. Most neurons in the brain are multipolar. 轴突–突触神经递质神经递质突触突触间隙间隙线线粒粒体体受受体体突触突触前膜前膜突触后膜突触后膜突突触触突突触触囊囊泡泡神经系统?中枢神经系统–大脑( Cerebrum )–小脑(Cerebellum)–脑干(Brain Stem)–脊髓(Spinal Cord)?周围神经系统–躯体神经(Somatic PNS )–植物神经(Visceral PNS )解剖术语?解剖面–矢状面–水平面–冠状面大脑外侧面脑的结构分区大脑分区