健康Р五、肠道中“菌衡”是关键Р正常人的肠道微生物,维护着肠道内的微生态平衡,有益菌多,菌群平衡时,人体的肠道功能就正常。? 一旦人体滥用抗生素、止泻药、饮食不当或者长期受到各种有害物刺激,肠道菌群平衡就会受到破坏,各种有害菌就会长驱直入、大量滋生,导致有益菌比例远远少于有害菌,菌群平衡遭到破坏。РThe gut microbiota of the elderly has been reported to show different positions and greater inter-individual pared to younger adults.? The pared with younger adults ,the elderly has presented : ? a reduction in species diversity ? a decline in beneficial anisms? a decrease in the availability of total shortchain fatty acids ? shifts in the dominant species? facultative anaerobic bacteria ? especially in elders who have been hospitalized or have followed an antibiotic treatmentР五、肠道中“菌衡”是关键Р六、益生菌Р益生菌(probiotics)由Lilly 和Stillwell于1965年在《Science》发表论文时提出。? 益生菌:经适量服用后,有益于其宿主健康的活的微生物。其作用在于促进有益菌、抑制致病菌的生长,维持肠道菌群的平衡,有益人体健康。? 常用的益生菌菌种有:双歧杆菌、乳酸杆菌和一些链球菌。