
【精编版】2160134 数字逻辑(中英文)(2011)

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h chapter for sequential logic VHDL Р Using VHDL process create trigger, register and the counter model. Р Using VHDL binational logic model, VHDL code synthesis. Р Р4. Semester Hour StructureРComputer Practice Р Topics Lecture Experiment Practice Р Lab. (Week) Р Number and coding 4 Р Boolean algebra 4 Р Minterms Kano map 2 Р Combinational circuits 4 Р Logic device 3 4 Р VHDL language 3 Р Latch and trigger 4 Р Register and counters 2 Р Analyse of sequence 4 4 Р circuit Р Design of sequence circuit 6 8 Р VHDL for sequence circuit 4 8 Р Sum: 40 24 Р Р5. Grading Р Examination 90%, experiment 10% Р Р6. Text-Book & Additional Readings Р Textbook:《 Fundamentals of logic design》Р Editor: Charles H. Roth. Machinery Industry Press, 2005 Edition Р Р Р Р Constitutor: Р Reviewer: Р Authorizor: Р Date:


