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this Ordinance, be as Рvalid as if originally contained therein, and be subject in like manner to alteration by special resolution. Р (3) Where the articles of pany are altered, pany shall within 15 days after the alteration deliver to Рthe Registrar a printed copy of its articles as altered and certified as correct by an officer of pany. (Added 30 Рof 1999 s. 3) Р (4) If pany makes default in delivering any document to the Registrar as required by subsection (3), the Рcompany and every officer of pany who is in default shall be liable to a fine and, for continued default, to a Рdaily default fine. (Added 30 of 1999 s. 3) Р [cf. 1929 c. 23 s. 10 U.K.] Р РSection: 14 Statutory forms of memorandum and articles 30/06/1997 Р Р Form of Memorandum and Articles Р РCap 32 - COMPANIES ORDINANCE 10


