7 Quality ptance ????????? ???????????? ????????? ????????.??? ???.?? 34 7.1 Gen eral Reqiurements …….............................………. 34 7.2 Quality ptance .................……….........…………. 34 Appendix A Safety & Environment Protection ............... 37 Appendix B In-situ Leakage Investigation Method 8 for Shield Tunnel ...... ......... ..... ...….......... 38 Appendix C Qualification It ems for In-sítu Materials Inspection …................... ..……....... ..…....... 40 dix D Quality Required ……........…....... 43 Explanation of Wording in This Specification ……….. 53 List of Quoted Standards ??? ,............. ??? ..............................….. 54 Addition: Explanation of Provisions ........………….......... 55 9