e,the model ofthepaper isproved whichCan wellhandle various routes and modes binational optimizationproblem,and will get agood result using icAlgorithm efficiently.At thesame time,thepaper alsoconcludesthat roadtransport ismore appropriate thanrailtransport inbulky cargo landtransport becauseofthehigh costandlong timespent inthetransit. Thepaper setsup thebulkycargologisticsprogram selectionandoptimization model considering thetransport routes andmodes posites theimpacts of transportcost,time andtransmit condkion between city nodes .In particular the use of theMatlabsoftware writingprogram puter tosolve the problem bulkycargologisticstransportprogram selectionis acertaininnovation. Key words:Bulky cargo logistics;Multi-model transport;Transport program binatorial optimization;ic Algorithms