nt iron/carbon ratio on theactual 3.3Dynamics 3.3.1Relationship between thereaction rate constant andtotalironcarbon.....?.22 3.3.2Relationship between thereaction rateconstant andiron/carbon 3.4 Chapter 4 ResuIts and diSCUSSion of continuous fIOW exper iments........27 4.1The influence ofdifferent proportion ofnitrateions and hydrogen ions on nitrate removal 4.2The influence ofdifferentironcarbon ratio on nitrateremoval??????????.29 4.3The influence ofhydraulic retention time on nitrate 4.4 Chapter 5 App cat on prospect ana ys S................................35 5.1Process ofdrinking 5.2Analysis 5.3Different iron/carbon ratioanalysis ofthe application 5.3.1Economic 5.3.2Analysis ofland 5.4The application prospect ofanalysis ofdifferent hydraulic retention time????..40 5.4.1Economic X 万方数据