SH;pubeny(0喂=2.69,95%Ct 1.52~4.75),aJld obesity(G幔=3.73,95%Ct1.90~7.32) were themain factors谢tll IDH. ConcIusions 1.The preValence ofhypenension inChinese children a11dadolescents haSbeen siglli6cantlyincre商ng舶m 99 to2009.But inobese children aJldad01escents,恤 hypertension preValence waS al、vays atahi曲er 1eVelin each year. 2.The preValence ofpre—hypenension and hypertension among chil(1ren and adolescents inJinan waShi曲er tllanreports f-romother domeStic pmVinces and cities. Most patients were diagnosed with ISH.The prevalence challgedw汕age,BMI aIld WC. 6 山东大学硕士学位论文 3.Premature,f撕ily hjstory ofhypertension,puber眵,and obesity were main riskfactors.BMl was themajor innuencing factorofhyperteIlSion incllildren and adolescents. Key words children aIldad01escents;hypertension;trends;innuences 7