
2022年四川省德阳市旌阳区中考一模英语(含听力) 带详解

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all kinds of things for them, such as some new books, dictionaries, clothes and\rschoolbags. Students like books and dictionaries very much. Besides these, we also collected thousands of yuan\rWe can use this money to help the poor students buy some necessary food. Certainly, it can help more students go\rback to school and continue their school life.\rI think this activity is very meaningful. It can help poor children get the things that they want. More\rimp01tantly, it is important to be kind. I hope more people can join us to help them.\r【解析 】\r【详解 】 1题干解 读 : 本文是 一篇提纲作文,以 介绍“为儿童募捐 的活 动”为话题参照表格中要点进 行分析。\r写作 时需包括表 格中所 列的全部要点,并 适当拓 展。\r2写作指 导: 本文 以第一 人称为主 , 时态为 一般过去时 , 部分句子要用到一般现在时 , 注意时态正确切\r换; 写作时注 意分段叙述, 第一段开 门见 山 , 引入活动主题 , 时间,地 点, 目的和筹集的 物资 ; 第二段介\r绍自己的感想 ; 保证文章条理清晰,语句通顺。


