ith the\rchildren.\rB. Because the children make a noise in his garden.\rC. Because he thinks a wall can make his garden more\rbeautiful.\r( )4 . Miss Spring does not go into the giant' s garden. Miss\rSummer and Miss Autumn do not visit the giant5 s garden\reither. Why?\rA. Because they do not like the garden.\rB. Because Miss Spring thinks the giant is selfish (XYZ).\rC. Because they think the giant is selfish (XYZ).\r89\]^_`M`aGbbcdef!g\rhijk()Zlmn\]`bHZo_pqr\r:1?st`Xuvwxqr\r4y??#`z{G|}~V`89s\r\rPost-task activities\rM()gtask?s`Xs#G`89\r()Ask and answerZ/40B.\rfij.\rfij