they?.\r¡¢uE\r1??@P?11Y 1 2 ,??)*+,0\rT: How many swans can you see?\rT: What colour are the swans?\rT: Where are the swans?\rT: What do the two swans say to the ugly duckling?\rT: Is the ugly duckling ugly now?\rT: Is the ugly duckling happy or sad?\r2£ ¤ ? 11Y 1 2 vw«¬\n?°IßMN±²0\r3?ñòn x1\nÕÖiiY@ó<Ú9<\rfÛÜ0\rT: Why is the ugly duckling sad?\rT: Why does he swim away?\rô?ÃÄõö`÷øii/\nùúûü9ý<0\r4£¤«¬\n?³´µ¶&\n!"·¸¹º&0\r5¼ UWìvwþÿ\r 0@P`p??0@\r1 Listen and read.\r2 Act out the story.\r??\r3 \r @\rp\r !"#$.\r&'()\r*+,-\r./01\rUnit 12 The ugly ducking\rinto river\rThe ugly duckling is in the grass.