ith Spire.PDF for .NET.\raround the world cheap Iy and i nstantaneousIy, and modern computers can\rquickly comp iIe and ana Iyze th is large voIume of weather information.\rMeteorologists and computer scie n tists now work together to design\rcomputer programs and video equipment capabIe of transforming raw weather\rdata into words, symbols, and vivid graphic d i spI ays that forecasters\rcan interpret easily and quickly. As meteorologists have begun using\rthese new technologies in weather forecasting offices, Nowcasting is\rbecoming a reality.\rThe author mentions the tornado in Edmonton, Canada, in order to give\ran examp Ie of a damag i ng storm.\rA. A. Right\rB. B. Wrong\rC. C. Not mentioned