ersation Two\rA. Student to faculty ra tio is big. B. Students are c ritic a l to\rprofessors. C. Good professors and sma11-seaIe classes. D. The\rstudents' scores are surprising.\r49. Passage One\rA. England didn9 t have pr i vate un i vers i t i es as Amer i ca d i d. B. American\rhigher educat i on was better in qua Iity . C. England had more famous\rcol leges than America. D. America had a lot more universities than\rEngland..\r50.Passage Two\rA. The sadness of being invoIved in accidents. B. Ways to I imit the use\rof private cars. C. The serious poI Iution on motor roads. D. Freedom\rto travel quickly and safely.