y makes us\rmore aware, empathet ic and respectfuI of others. n\rBut many counselors, who often comp lain about the New York City-based\rnonprofit' s i nf I uence over the i r studentsJ futures, say they have their\rdoubts. H I thi nk the Co I I ege Board sees this as a pure I y techn i ca I prob I em\rthat they can solve through purely technical means, "says Scott White,\ra counselor at Monte lair ( N. J. ) High Schoo I. n I don' t think they.\rappreciate the damage that was done to their already shaky credibi I ity.\rMany American educators now tend to\rA. be in favor of the ACT.\rB. be slightly critical of the SAT.\rC. sit on the fence in the dispute.\rD. be strongly critical of the SAT.