
intimate relationship as path:亲密关系的路径

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t men and women encounter in joining their energies together are not just personal travails. They are also invitations to open ourselves to the sacred play of the known and the unknown, the seen and the unseen, and to the larger powers born out of intimate contact with the great mysteries of life. REFERENCES Wm, WOOD, J. (1984). Principles of inner work: Psychological and spiritual. J. Transpersonal Psychology, 16(1}, 63-73. WELWOOD, J. (Ed.), (l985a). Challenge of the heart: Love, sex, and intimacy in changing times. Boston: Shambhala, WilLWOOD, J. (1985b). On love: Conditional and unconditional. J. Transpersonal Psychology, /7(1), 33-40. Reprint requests to: John Welwood, 3315 Sacramento St.1I317, San Francisco, CA 94118. 58 The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 1990, Vol. 22, No. J


