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frontier rivers/reaches, the mode of equal cost-benefit apportionment is the basic one; ( 3) the major apportionment modes have obvious differences among different developing phases, the major modes are equal one, and equal ratio one until the 1950 s, equal apportionment is the basic mode in the 1950 s- 1990 s, the major modes cannot be determined af - ter the 1990 s because of the limited cases; ( 4) the mode of equal apportionment is mainly used between the states with similar economic level; the states with a certain and big economic gap mainly use the ones of equal ratio one, and unequal one, and among which most of the cases are implemented pensation schemes . K e y w o r d s :international rivers; hydropower dev elopment; international cooperation; cost-ben - efit apportionment 1816


