formaldehyde intermixture wi儿do immediately pre—fixedly, after that by 1%tetfoxide hungry fixed,further wi11process,wi 1 observe with the Iight microscope and the electron microscope. Light microscope:The fixed anizat ion specimen,after the convent ional dehydrat ion,the paraffin wax embedding,has cartied on the 3um S ce under the S1cer,HE dyes,observat ion.E1 ect ron microscope:The fixed anizat ion specimen has bui t the S ze for 1×1×2ram3 the scrap,wa shes by PBS 3 times,each time 15 minutes,then with1%hungry acid fixed 1.5hours,then wash by PBS 3 times,each time 15minutes,then Withthe ethyl a1coh01 gradient dehydration(50%,70%,80%,90%,95%,100%,100%,100%)each time 15 minutes, by the SPURR low V SCOS ty embeddi ng medi cina1 preparat ion percolat ion embedding(37℃)polymer ization(70*C)8 X