thout Hsp90,the binding efficacy isvery low.In the end,there isrelatively low amount of Hsp90 staying innucleus and affecting thebinding ofGR withthechromatin and recycling ofGR into cytoplasm There are twomajor cytoplasmic isoformsoflisp90,Hsp90a(inducible form)and Hsp9013(constitutiveisoform).Since the biochemical separation ofHsp90 isoforms isratherdifficult,most studies have been carried out wi廿1 amixture oftheaand 13isoforms.Though the genes ofthese two isoforms locates indifferentchromosomes,and thesequence similari够of the isoforms from homosapiens orfrom mice islowerthan that ofthe same isoformbetween homosapiens andmice.Furthermore,theexpression pattem and induction pattem oftheHsp90aandpgene isquite different.Taking these differences into consideration,we propose Hsp90aand pplay 8