

上传者:幸福人生 |  格式:pdf  |  页数:207 |  大小:0KB

of the Holy Cross, helped me refine my thoughts, as did the questions and conversations that followed. I am also grateful to the friends who read and criticized versions of my manuscript, including Chris - tine Basil, Susan Benfield, Steve Block, Kevin Burns, William Mathie, and most of all David Nichols, whose support and love made this book possible. Thanks also to the anonymous readers who made suggestions for improving the manuscript, and to Peter J. Potter and his staff at Cornell University Press, who guided this process petence and care. This book was supported in part by funds from the College and Dean of Arts and Sciences of Baylor University and from the Arts & Humanities Faculty Research Program and the Vice Provost for Research. q THUCYDIDES AND THE PURSUIT OF FREEDOM


