I issues. Research questions,subjects,instmIIlents a11d pmcedures of t}le investigation谢ll beРelaborated on in tIlis chapteL In Chapter 5 results arc presented aIld discussed.The realization of ttle speech act of Chjnese suggestions is锄a】yzed,including fkquency of suggestions,sylltactic pattems and strate舀es employed.The social Variables thatРaffect the dis试bution of suggestions and that of s疵lte西es are also dealt谢n1,mainly 矗om the aspects of the degree of embarrassment,social distance,relative powef and gender.In addition,the social a11d cuItural values,including the senSe of politeness alld face,which碍flect the characteristics of ChineSe suggestions,8re brie疗y discussed.In t}1e IaSt chapteL a concJusion is drawn and limitadons of tlle Study are stated fjr the bene矗t offhnller l℃search.Р4