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en t and Appl ica t ion of An t ibac ter ia l Agen ts and An t ibac ter ia l M a ter ia lsРJ I X iang-fe i1 , L IY u-p ing2 , YANG L iu-q ing1 , QU L ing1 , SH I J in -m e i1 , DOU Tao1Р(1. In stitu te of Special Chem istry of TU T , T aiyuan 030024, Ch ina;Р2. Co llege of M aterials Science and Engineering of TU T , T aiyuan 030024, Ch ina)РAbstract: T he app lica t io n and deve lopm en t of an t ibacterial agen ts and an t ibacterial m aterials at Ch ina and ab road in recen t years are review ed in th is pape r. T he p ro spects of an t ibacterial agen ts in the last years are investigated, and som e p rob lem s encoun tered du ring the deve lopm en t at Ch ina are po in ted ou t.РKey words: an t ibacterial m aterial; an t ibacterial agen t; ino rgan ic an t ibacterial agen tР(编辑: 张红霞)


