h of the following chromosomal aberrations can be of either sex: (5.0 分) A. trisomy 21 B. XXY C. XYY D. monosomic X 13. You are asked to evaluate a 15-year-old adolescent girl for primary amenorrhea. She has been healthy but has had long-standing short stature. No breast budding was reported. Her mother experienced menarche at age 11 years and has had regular menses. Physical examination revealed a Tanner I female with mild pterygium colli, widely spaced nipples, and cubitus valgus bilaterally. Height is 58 inches (< 5th percentile). Chromosome analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes revealed a 45, X karyotype. You woul d advise the patient that she is a:(5.0 分) A.Candidate for estrogen replacement therapy B.Postmenopausal female C.Carrier of Turner syndrome D.ic male E.True hermaphrodite