problem, provides a new perspective. Real option theory in the land development decisions can be used. The research indicates that, in uncertain market conditions land development is a kind of waiting for the type of real options, can through the real option pricing methods for decision making (ZhangJinMing, LiuHongYu, 2004). РFour, further study РBut the real options method still exist some application barrier. Using the plex mathematical method, so the real options method than the traditional method putation. In particular, in the option pricing formula of fluctuation rate parameters are difficult to be made, and has been troubled option theory, users, still need further study and to solve Р外文翻译考核表Р指导教师对外文翻译的评语:Р 指导教师(签名)Р Р年月日Р建议成绩(百分制)Р评阅小组或评阅人对外文翻译的评语:Р评阅小组负责人或评阅人(签名)Р Р 年月日Р建议成绩(百分制)