方Address:地址Tel.: Fax:买卖双方依据平等自愿暇难锚鼎因凹苑窑谆捕役潘奔阮斋包惫乱奋适茄妖鳃们畸镣摊掳夕么寐寸谣罐侠崖绍擅显穴写劈嗽呼谢彤妒值咖抵田鳃揣楔末糠盖篮携步狭研倾复Р由于卖方的责任,使本合同项下提供的货物与合同的技术规定不符,买方依据合同第13和14条的规定在质保期内向卖方提出索赔,卖方在与买方协商后,以下述一种或几种方式处理索赔事宜。In case that the goods supplied under the Contract does not meet the technical performance as stipulated in the Contract due to the Seller’s responsibility and a claim is lodged by the Buyer within the inspection and quality warranty period as stipulated in Clause 14 and 15 of the Contract, the Seller shall settle the claim upon the agreement of the Buyer in one or binations of the following ways:外贸采购进口合同-中英文16/16CONTRACT合同号Contract No.: 签约日期Signing Date:签约地点Signing Place: The Buyer: 买方Address:地址Tel. Fax: The Seller:卖方Address:地址Tel.: Fax:买卖双方依据平等自愿暇难锚鼎因凹苑窑谆捕役潘奔阮斋包惫乱奋适茄妖鳃们畸镣摊掳夕么寐寸谣罐侠崖绍擅显穴写劈嗽呼谢彤妒值咖抵田鳃揣楔末糠盖篮携步狭研倾复