foreign language in front of a whole class. Speaking in small groups is more natural, and is often relaxing. Thirdly, different small groups can work at different levels if the teacher groups them according to language level. If teachers modify a given task to make it easier for slower students and more challenging for more advanced students, then all students will continue learning and remain more motivated. Fourthly, small group work helps students learn to work cooperatively and it helps them develop interpersonal skills.РIV. 本题为教案设计,要求根据所给材料编写一份45分钟的高中英语阅读课教案,共25分,评分标准如下:Р教案格式正确,教学环节及时间安排合理,教学活动设计科学,有特色,有新意,语言表达准确,21-25分;Р教案格式正确,教学环节及时间安排基本合理,教学活动设计较科学,特色和新意一般,语言表达基本准确,20-16分;Р教案格式基本正确,教学环节及时间安排基本合理,教学活动设计基本适当,特色和新意不够,语言表达一般,15-10分;Р教案格式不正确,教学环节及时间不够安排合理,教学活动设计不适当,毫无特色和新意,语言表达错误较多,0-9分