
牛津苏教版英语四下《unit 4 drawing in the park》教案

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easy, difficult, try, hill, again, park, draw, flower them, boat, river, lakeР2. 复习巩固四会句型What can you see? I can see a …What can you do? I can … He/She can …Р3. 复习歌曲:What can you see?Р4. 准确听读、辨认元音字母e在单词中的发音/e/。Р5. 能准确完成补充习题相关练习。Р6. 能在教师的引导下客观地对自己的学习情况做出评价。Р四、教学难点Р1. 能熟练运用本单元日常交际用语What can you see? I can see a …谈论公园里所见。运用What can you do? I can … 进行调查会做的事情,能用句型He/She can …对他人进行描述。Р2. 能准确完成补充习题相关练习。Р五、教学准备Р1. 教具:光盘Р2. 板书:Unit 4 Drawing in the parkР六、教学过程РStep1 Revision Р1. Sing a song: What can you see? Р2. Play a game: Non-stop talkingРT: What can you see in the picture? S: I can see …Р完成自我测评第一项I can talk about things in the park.РWork in pairs Р(1) Read Story time Р(2)Read Cartoon timeР(3)三人一组说说会做的事情,并复述其他同学会做的事情。Р 完成自我测评第二项 I can use “What can you do?” to ask questions.Р3. Read Sound time


