n and insight and in pursuit of ways to turn laboratory discoveries into useful things.Р学者和教师必定要周旋于学院内外以寻觅运用他们的才能为公众服务的机会,寻觅能给我们带来启发和见识的创造性工作,寻觅把实验室的研究发现转化为实际应用的途径。Р19.Our studens engage the world with a strong sense of civic responsibility, and when they graduate they e alumini who do the same.This is as it should be.Р我们的学生在从事社会活动时怀有一种强烈的公民责任意识,并且当他们毕业若干年后成为老校友时仍然会这样做。这些都是理所当然的。Р20.Just as we have an obligation to search widely for knowledge, so we also have an obligation to ensure that the scholarly work of the academy is widely disseminated, so that others can correct it when necessary, or build on it ,or use it to make better decisions,develop better products or construct better plans. Р就像我们有义务广泛寻求新知识一样,我们也有义务确保我们的学术研究能够被广泛地传播。只有这样,别人才能对其做出必要的修正,或将其发扬光大,或依据它来作出更好的决定,开发出更好的产品,或构建出更好的规划。