
英语-论文写作课复习资料 (仅供参考)

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sage and keeps the main idea of the original work faithfully and clearly.Р Р 2)Paraphrase:РThis is a restatement in your own words of what the author says.It checks your understanding of the original in relation to the subject,which enables you to rearrange the same information from the point of view of your paper.Р ess in taking paraphrase notes depends on:Р (1) rewriting the original in about the same number of words:Р (2) keeping the original tone or mood,be it anger,joy,humor,satire, or doubt.etc.:Р (3) using your own words unless you quote the original language by enclosing it within quotation marks. Р Р3) QuotationР This is a direct quoting of the exact wording (including errors) of the author’s. It should be enclosed within quotation marks. Your attention is called to the following:


