
《步步为营 决胜中考》与湖北省武汉市2018年

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project, Eric. Р ―Not yet. I can’t make it until I have first-hand ______ on prices. Р A. news Р B. knowledge Р C. information Р D. education Р 【切中题】《步步为营决胜中考》新目标英语八年级(上)Units 1~5中考考点、热点归纳与演练之重点过关实战演练第14题: Р ―What are reading in todayР’s paper? Р ―It says “English Study Center needs a weekend teacher. If you’re interested, call us at 444-567 for more ______.”Р A. advice Р B. instruction Р C. information Р D. knowledge Р 5. 【中考原题】武汉市2017年初中毕业学业考试英语试卷笔试部分第35题: Р ―Have you got the results of the exam? Р ―No. All we ______ do now is to wait. Р A. must Р B. can Р C. may Р D. could Р 【切中题】《步步为营决胜中考》新目标英语八年级(下)Units 1~5中考考点、热点归纳与演练之重点过关实战演练第20题: Р ―______ I play games now, Mum? Р ―Yes, you can, but you ______ finish your homework first. Р A. Must; too Р B. Can; must Р C. Can; may Р D. May; mustn


