through amicable consultation; in case of failure to resolve the dispute through consultation, three parties agree to submit the dispute to local people’s court having jurisdiction over the premises. Р13.4 本合同及所有附件均为中文、英文双语对照版本,若由于翻译原因产生解释上的歧义,则以中文版本为准。Р13.4 This Contract and its appendices shall be made in both Chinese and English, and in case of any ambiguity on the interpretation due to the translation, the Chinese version shall prevail.Р13.5 本合同及所有附件均为一式叁份,甲方、乙方、丙方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。Р13.5?This Contract and all its appendices shall be made in triple, one for each party, with the same legal force.Р13.6 其他Р Р 。Р13.6 Others Р Р .Р出租方(甲方): 承租方(乙方):РLessor (Party A): Lessee (Party B): Р身份证件号码: 身份证件号码:РID No.: ID No.: Р联系地址: 联系地址:РAdd.: Add: Р联系电话: 联系电话:РTel.: Tel.: Р本人或代理人本人或代理人Р(签字或盖章): (签字或盖章):