,可与日月争辉,对后世的影响是永垂不朽的。Р参考文献:Р[1]葛晓音著《唐诗宋词十五讲》北京北京大学出版社 2003.1Р[2]李永田董希平主编《杜甫诗赏读》北京线装书局 2007.4Р[3]冯至著《杜甫传》人民文学出版社北京 1980.3Р[4]郭预衡《中国古代文学史二》上海上海古籍出版社 1998.7Р[5]葛晓音撰《杜甫诗选评》上海上海古籍出版社 2002.10Р[6]乔力主编《中国文学史(3)》太白文艺出版社 1999,5.РAbstract: Du Fu is the Qu Yuan after Chinese literary history and one of the great patriotic poet, patriotism is the soul of Du Fu's poems. Du Fu's existing one thousand 400 first, are all around the environment of times and the poet's own experience and the. Du Fu's poem, some expression of the infinite love of the motherland, some expressed deep sympathy for the people, some expressed intense hatred of the ruling class. These poems embody Du Fu deeply patriotic feeling, sincere patriotism.Р关键词:爱国思想同情人民憎恨统治阶级РKeywords: Patriotism sympathy people hate the ruling classР签名:罗学花