ue which is according to the Mean! Rare have they long been among the people, who could practice it!Р最高的道德标准Р【原文】Р 子日,“中庸其至矣乎!民鲜能久矣(1)!”Р【注释】Р ①鲜:少,不多。Р【译文】Р 孔子说:“中庸大概是最高的德行了吧!大家缺乏它已经很久了!Р”Р【读解】Р 正因为它是最高的德行,最高的道德标准,所以,很少有人能够真正实行它。这正如我们要求“大公无私”,很少有人能做到,提出“国家、集体、个人利益三兼顾”,就比较容易做到了。要求“跑步进入共产主义”难以做到,提出“社会主义初级阶段”,实现“小康”,这就比较容易做到了。Р 这样说来,中庸之道是不是也只能作为一种理想的道德规范而加以提倡呢?Р第三章正心--谁能食而知其味Р子曰:“道之不行也,我知之矣:知者过之,愚者不及也。道之不明也,我知之矣:贤者过之,不肖者不及也。人莫不饮食也,鲜能知味也。”РThe Master said, "I know how it is that the path of the Mean is not walked in:-The knowing go beyond it, and the stupid do e up to it. I know how it is that the path of the Mean is not understood:-The men of talents and virtue go beyond it, and the worthless do e up to it.Р"There is no body but eats and drinks. But they are few who can distinguish flavors."