heir behavior. Should becarefully monitored, and can solve the risk prevention, the service and supervision. To make regulation executor subconscious with regulatoryculture sense of belonging, make its work can be achieved in accordancewith law, regulation, moderate supervision and dynamic regulatorystandards. To make insurance regulators to abandon the old idea, positivechange ideas, administrative intervention in the market to timelymoderately, can correct understanding of the market economy, in thesupervision of panies operating process, justice, regulatedin the sun, refused to abuse of power.Р译文Р互联网发展下的保险产品研究Р摘要互联网金融的新时代,给保险带来了新的契机。在过去的几年中,越来越多的保险公司开始涉足网络保险业务,保费收入一下子增加了许多,投保人数激增,网络保险的发展势如破竹。互联网金融是未来发展的方向,保险也更应当与互联网深度融合,进行产品创新,这才是保险发展突破现状的必由之路。因此,探究网络保险的运营模式,抓住当前存在的问题进行深入研讨,经过多方位考虑,针对性地