
第三届全国英语教师教学设计大赛获奖作品——初中教案 毛筠

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and circle the sentences.Р1.Get students to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.Р2.Get students to know the sentence structures of showing problems and giving advice.РOral Practice 8’РAsk one student to show his problems in learning English, and the other students in class give him some advice.РAsk students to practice the target language in pairs. One student shows the problems and the other gives advice.РAsk students to act out. Elicit and give helpful feedback on their performances by pointing out what are good and what, if anything could be improved.РShow their problems and give advice.Р1.Provide real situation for oral practice, using the target language.Р2.Provide a better chance for the students to exchange ideas on how to learn English well. Р3.Help and learn from one another.


