
中西文化之鉴 跨文化交际教程

上传者:苏堤漫步 |  格式:doc  |  页数:7 |  大小:73KB

t to go to school. All those different ethnic groups are generally coexisting ing to accept each other as Indonesians. Education and sense of nationhood has improved the reasoning powers of the people: neighbors don’t solve disputes by killing each other, the way they used to.РBut the IMF[International ary Fund], the US Congress and foreign correspondents don’t seem to fully understand what the term “developing country” means. If means that almost everything is inadequate and in short supply. There are insufficient resources to fix the traffic lights, to draft new laws, to enforce the law, to make plans, to fix the roads and to implement plans. The high rise buildings and modern airports give an illusion of modernity. Behind this façade is the weakness and fragility to a developing nation.


