

上传者:塑料瓶子 |  格式:doc  |  页数:9 |  大小:162KB

n, in December 1988, National Geographic went for the big time: a whole magazine posed of an embossed hologram. As far as I know, no magazine publisher has ever produced a wholly holographic magazine, although it’s worth throwing down the gauntlet to an enterprising publisher!РSince then, there have been a number of advances, notably in the field of digital photography, puters to generate and master holograms. We still have a long way to go until we realize the dreams of science fiction, but we’ll save those for the final chapter that discusses the future of holography.РUntil then, work your way through some of the projects in the book, and see how far the technology e. If the field of holography catches you, who knows? You could even e the pioneer of the next major holographic innovation!


