
近50年来喀什噶尔河流域气温 降水及径流的变化趋势

上传者:qnrdwb |  格式:doc  |  页数:8 |  大小:2487KB

. The seaso nal temperat ure over t he Pamirs increases significantly in summer , aut umn and winter , especially in aut umn ; t he seaso nal p recipitatio nРover t he Pamirs is also in a slight increase t rend , especially in summer . (3) The total annual runoff volume at 3Рhydrological statio ns in t he Kaxgar River Basin has been in a significant linear increase t rend since recent 47 years , and t he decennary increase rate is 3 . 0 %. However , t he t rends of annual runoff volume are different f ro m different t ributaries of t he Kaxgar River , t hat is t he annual runoff volume of t he Kez River is in a significant lin2 ear increase t rend , but t hat of t he Gez River is in a slight decrease t rend.РKey words : temperat ure ; p recipitatio n ; runoff ; change ; t he Kaxgar River .


