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tally 49 in it.By 1972,I was on the National Gymnastics Team for the Olympic Games.I couldn’t think of anything else but 50 a gold medal.РBefore petition,all in my mind was 51 not to disgrace(使……丢脸)my country and myself.But,though I tried my best,I didn’t win a gold medal.I was so 52 .When the winners were receiving 53 ,I joined my parents in the stands,and we all cried.“I'm sorry.I did my best,”said me.Р She said nothing but ten words I never 54 :“Doing your best is more important than being the best.”Suddenly I understood my mother 55 than ever before.She had never let her handicap(残疾) 56 her from always doing her best.Р Now I approached the crying girl and put a(n) 57 around her.“Honey,”I said.“I know you have done your best,and doing your best is more important than being the best. I'm


