
Light Up Science (科学 期末评价Assessment 2A

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uld they choose ? Tick (?). (3) Moth er says they should walk home. This is healthy because . A. Exercise is safer. B. Exercise is good for the heart. C. They can do some shopping. A healthy meal 2 /2 3. Bob is reading a book. (1) Which objects give out their own light ? Tick (?) or cross (?).(4 marks each, total 24 marks) (2) There isa shadow on the book. es from . (5 marks) A. Bob ’s head B. Bob ’s hand C. Bob ’s feet (3) Bob turns out the light and there is no shadow. This is because . (5 marks) A. He is asleep. B. He can ’t see in the dark. C. He needs a light to make a shadow. 4. How is the weather? W hat are the temperatures? Draw lines. W hat season is it? Write the letters. (4 marks each, total 36 marks) A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter wall 2 ℃ 10 ℃ 30 ℃ s nowy w indy sunny


