
Light Up Science (科学 期末评价4A Assessment_Answer Key

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ch, total 25 marks) 2. Which materials let light through? Tick (?) or cross (?). (5 marks each, total 25 marks) 3. Bob and Mary tested their hot water . Both beaker s started at the same temperature, 80 0 C. After 30 minutes Bob ’s water was 45 0 C. Joint E Bone D Heart B Brain A Muscle C× √× √ Bob ’s Mary ’s × How hot was Mary ’s water after 30 mins? Circle. (15 marks) 80 0C 60 0C 45 0C 35 0C 4. The bottle contains some water. Which isa solid, which isa liquid, which isa gas? (15 marks) A isa ___ solid _______ B isa ____ gas _______ C isa ___ liquid _____ The bottle was placed in the freezer ( 冰箱) for a day. Circle the correct labels. (15 marks) W hat happens to the water in the freezer ?C ircle the correct answer. (5 marks) A. It melt s. B. It freeze s. C. It condense s. bottle air water


