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chat with friends play in the playground Part 4 go to the library in the afternoon Reading Club read books play volleyball practise Part 5 have a good time Step 3: Introduce scho ol life Important points : We go to school from ...to... Our school starts at... We have lessons in... After class , ...chat with... ...practice... ...have a good time... Step 4: Summary T: OK, let's review what we have learned today.If we want to introduce our school life , we can talk about the lessons , the people and the activities. Step 5: Homework 1.Reading the text fluently. 2.Telling your friends about your school in English. 3.Writing your school life in your note b ook. 六、课后反思本节课上, 教师紧密联系学生日常生活进行教学, 这样学生有话可说, 有内容可写, 在说写的过程中自然的掌握所学知识, 同时教师坚持在情境中讲解语言点, 让学生在不知不觉中掌握知识。鼓励学生联系实际积极思考,快乐的组织自己的语言,并在小组中展示自己的观点、成果。


